Posted by: johndstewart | March 6, 2013

UnLocking The Locks Inside of You!

Again, your enthusiasm and positive outlook will bring your goal within reach. Use our book as a log for all that is related to your goal. Refer to it daily! It will provide the answers! It is also free via email. ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | March 4, 2013

Keep Your Chin Up.

Be encouraged today. I know you can do what you set your mind to do properly directed. Keep you chin up. IT IS POSSIBLE and REAL. Remember to write down everything that you are thankful and grateful for today. This will help in your definition. ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | March 3, 2013

Inspire Yourself through Action!

Inspire yourself through action, looking toward achievement. List those obstacles that may arise as you pursue your goal. Defining a possible future situation will enable you to prepare a resource in advance.

Learn to accept help from others, especially if you have difficulty in this area. Develop the ability to make others feel good about helping you. In your daily social interactions, teach yourself to be a good listener, as well as leaving others with a positive impression. Do not be afraid to emulate those you admire. ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | March 2, 2013

Limitation Resolutions!

Defining your goal includes realizing your limitations, and setting out to resolve them. Your current obligations are equally as important as the goal pursuance. They should be met on a daily basis as they have been in the past.  ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | March 1, 2013

Constructive Criticism!

Of primary importance is your ability to accept criticism, especially because you will want to associate with those individuals vital to your goal, especially those individuals who have the knowledge and experience you need. From them you need the criticism necessary to produce achievement.

Be aware of the difference between negativism and criticism. Those who would be negative offer no constructive alternatives, while those who offer criticism with integrity offer different directions.  ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | February 28, 2013

Facing Facts!

Facing facts is not being negative. When you have identified your goal, you must also define it from the standpoints of common sense and practicality. Will you need further education? So many goals are more easily attainable when you have taken the time to research your objective and educate yourself.

Are finances a consideration? Perhaps you need extra cash for the initial stages of your goal. A stricter saving plan or a second job may be necessary. Self-sacrifice is not as difficult when you are working toward a specific goal. Too, you must compare self-sacrifices with the rewards of your achievements. The rewards should and will outweigh the sacrifices.

An important practical consideration is obtaining family support. Pursuing your goal is enhanced when your spouse offers encouragement, especially since both sacrifices and achievements will directly affect the family.  ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | February 27, 2013

Personal Habits!

Are there other personal habits that might be detrimental in pursuing your goal? List them. Examine each and vow that you will make the effort to improve, especially because it is probable that your personal habits can either help or hinder future achievements.

 As you make progress, you will encounter negativism. Sometimes negativism by others may be translated as envy. There are always those individuals who take a somewhat perverse pleasure in reminding you that your chance of success looks dim from their viewpoint. You must remain up beat and positive during these particularly irksome conversations.

Also, the envy you perceive in others can be turned to your advantage. Consider it stimulating, and a form of flattery. However, refrain from mistaking envy for achievement. It is not. Rather, it is a simple by-product of your success. ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | February 26, 2013


You must immediately eliminate any urge to procrastinate. True, begin making a commitment to your goal. It is frequently the most difficult step. Simply, you must not delay but must begin now, not tomorrow.

When you have successfully eliminated the desire to procrastinate, examine your daily routine. Next, tackle the problem of unorganized time. List all you do in a week and the numbers of hours consumed for each task, including your profession. It is probable that many of those hours are unaccountable. Organize your time so those extra hours may be utilized for your goal.  ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | February 25, 2013

Your SELF-IMAGE is Very Important!

Remember that your self-image is projected to others, and how they react (NEGATIVE) or respond (POSITIVE) to you on a daily basis is a reflection of how you feel about yourself. The aid you receive from others to help you toward your goal is in direct proportion to your enthusiasm. One might say it is a certainty that as you work toward your goal, you will require the assistance of others. The confidence you project can inspire friends and associates. Coupled with enthusiasm, you are assured the achievements desired. Began pursuing your goal by examining your personal habits.  ~ John

Posted by: johndstewart | February 24, 2013

Enthusiasm vs Negativism!

From the beginning, your frame of mind is the single most important issue with which you must deal. It must be confronted now. Replace negativism with the enthusiasm your goal deserves. As trite as this statement may sound, a thing desired is worth pursuing. Your enthusiasm will set the tone for future goal related achievements. Your enthusiasm exists within your self-image. Do you, in fact, like yourself? So often you have read, it was a vicious circle.  Consider this a happy circle: self-image, enthusiasm, and achievement. If your self-image is somewhat tenuous, the first achievements towards your goal will bolster any feeling of inadequacy. Be proud of yourself. In time you will note positive thoughts pushing aside negative ones.

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